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Koi V2 Playing Cards by Byron Leung
CARDSKOIV2 )  Playing Cards
R: $14.95
Difficulty:No Skill Required

An eye-catching metallic gold and white back design will grab attention as you flow through cardistry moves like a fish in water.
Product Image


"The cards handle well as you would expect from the United States Playing Card Company and are classy looking. They look like they are from days past – to my eyes." -Straight Talk Magic, Reviewer

Full Review
KOI Playing Cards celebrates the Koi fish -- a symbol of luck, prosperity, and good fortune in Japan.

The beautiful, eye-catching back design poses two Koi fish in a circular, swimming motion with metallic gold as they glitter against the stark white background. The smooth, even feel of the cards are inspired by the scales of these majestic fish.

In Japanese, koi is a homophone for another word that means "affection" or "love", so koi are also symbols of love and friendship in Japan.

Includes 2 custom Koi Jokers and 2 gaffed cards.
  • Gold embossed tuck
  • Specially colored Court cards
  • Printed by the U.S. Playing Card Company
  • Designed by Byron Leung