The in-depth tutorials include everything you need to know about your Mental Die. Also included are some brand new effects to get you started right away!
BASIC ROUTINE: A 3-phase routine using a single die where the magician successfully influences a spectators choice, impossibly picks up on their thoughts, and reveals impossible-to-know future information.
In addition to the BASIC routine, you will learn amazing routines and performances such as:
CAAN: Two spectators secretly remember the numbers they rolled on a die. A card is selected, lost and shuffled into the deck. Then, each spectator take turns dealing the cards stopping at the secret number they are thinking of. The last card they dealt is turned over, and it’s their selected card! Can be performed with one, three or more spectators.
COLOR MATCH: You play a modified version of the color by number game where your spectator randomly colors in a drawing with 6 different colors. Even though it appears the trick has gone wrong, the spectator finally opens your prediction to find it perfectly matches the drawing they randomly colored in!
DREAM LUNCH: The spectator rolls the die, and randomly selects several food items...but somehow you have incredibly pre-purchased EVERY item THEY selected.
THE MENTAL SHUFFLE: A spectator rolls a die keeping the number covered and secret. 6 different items are continuously shuffled around until the spectator freely says stop. They show their number, and pick up the corresponding object. Even though they made all the choices, you reveal your prediction that’s been in full view the whole time, and it perfectly matches their object!

"Murphy's has done it again! This is a real gem! Easy to like a charm and a great price. The packaging is also outstanding!!!"
- Chuck Caputo (The world's foremost Historian & Collector of Anverdi)
"The Mental Die is the key to unlocking every professional Mentalist's show and taking it to next level!"
"Mental dice is going directly into my show! The tech inside is awesome and its made to last, Murphy's did an AMAZING job with this! I'm Defiantly going to enjoy frying minds with this...Oh and the packaging is super dope as well."
- Brandon David
"When Patrick Wolford called to show me something exciting, I expected to be impressed. After he showed me the new Mental Die, I was overwhelmed! Every detail in the set has been designed for and aimed at maximum customer satisfaction. The die is a normal small gaming die and it comes with a custom wireless charger! WOW!...I have bought most versions of the electronic dice on the market and I still immediately ordered one. It makes me happy to own this and to freak more people out performing with the new Mental Die. This is the "supreme" of Mental Die."
- Alan Wong
"From the second you open the box Mental Die will blow you away!Every detail has been taken care of to bring you an incredible an unbelievable price!"
- Matthew Wright