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Fulton Street 1958 Edition Playing Cards
CARDSFULTON_1958 )  Playing Cards
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The 1958 New York Subway Map began the modern era of a concise graphic system for the New York Subway System. George Salomon was so frustrated by the lack of a cohesive identity system as he traversed the subways that he proposed a way to organize the signage and maps. This deck of playing cards celebrates the monumental 1958 Subway Map designed by Salomon--which in turn inspired the creation of the iconic Vignelli Map in 1972.

This deck of playing cards is officially licensed by the MTA in New York. It is completely custom--using graphics created by Salomon as well as face and ad cards designed by Brad Fulton based on "Out of the Labyrinth", the manifesto proposed by Salomon to beautify the NYC Subway system.
  • 56 playing cards
  • Printed by WJPC in China on cardistry stock.
  • Embossed tuck box on premium matte paper.