"Bernard Bilis’ Passion is for serious card workers. Each disc is a master work of only the very best in deception and sleight of hand." -Magic Orthodoxy, Reviewer
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"Bilis has been a professional card magician for about 30 years and his act is well polished. He uses a number of sleights in his act. Therefore, Passion is not for beginners but rather for more seasoned students. He loves to perform and loves to please his audience and play them along just a bit. For example, one of his routines is called Billy the Kid, where he uses a deck of card to represent a six-shooter and the bullet. Of course, neither the magician nor the audience volunteer is “shot.” Watching the first two DVDs will inspire you to do some of his magic, which he teaches on the other DVDs." -Tom Bohacek, Linking Ring Magazine
"PASSION is deep stuff. This is NOT something you'll breeze through, learn a move or two and maybe three or four effects.. and dutifully skip on to the next hot DVD. This is heady magic. This is magic beyond our present understanding, but not beyond our ability to learn. PASSION is a masterwork. It's more than a masterclass, as there are things within you will take with you for the rest of your career." -Rick Carruth - The Magic Roadshow Journal, Reviewer
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" I can’t imagine that anyone with an interest in card magic wouldn’t find something they like here and much to practice and play with." -Ryan Matney, Genii Magazine
"He is a worker and has been working for a very long time. You can learn from this set." -Norman Beck, M-U-M Magazine
"I am not kidding here people when I tell you that this DVD set is over the top amazing. It is a treasure trove of excellent world-class magic. Bernard Bilis is a master performer, creator and teacher and I absolutely loved every minute of each DVD." -Straight Talk Magic, Reviewer
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"This is one of my favorite DVDs in this incredible series Louis has released. The material is so strong and well within the reach of many. Bernard is certainly a master with cards, but you can also see other sides of him that gives you an insight in to his style and persona that have made him a legend in the magic world. This should go in to any magic collection and worth your time studying and watching over and over." -Paul Romhany, !VanishMagazine