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Hyper ESP Cards by Tenyo Magic
HYPESP )  Trick
R: $14.95

Do a perfect "Second Sight" act while standing at a distance from the table, and much more.
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"All in all I think this is probably the best bang for your buck when it comes to ESP cards." -Rob Jacks, Reviewer

Full Review
With Hyper ESP Cards you can do a perfect "Second Sight" act while standing at a distance from the table. Many different effects are also possible such as mindreading and foretelling the future with the special cards used to test extra sensory perception all of which have five different symbols printed on them. After you learn the special secret of these ESP cards, you'll be able to perform six pieces of mental magic.

What are ESP cards?

ESP cards are used to conduct experiments to measure extra sensory perception. These cards are made up of five symbols: a circle, a cross, wavy lines, a square, and a star. Each symbol is printed on five cards so there is a total of twenty-five cards in an ESP deck.