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Inferno by Joshua Jay and Card-Shark
INFERNO )  Trick
R: $30.00
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"Once Josh gets an idea in his head, he's on a mission until he gets it right. And, once again. he got it right." -David Oliver, Genii Magazine
Joshua Jay has worked for years on a seemingly-impossible goal:
a NAMED card appears in a matchbox. No deck, no riffle force, no complications. Just one card in play, inside the matchbox...the NAMED card.

Sound too good to be true? What if we told you that this effect was easy to do, easy to reset, and was entirely self-contained. You can perform without sleeves or pockets or preparation.

If you have the matchbox (included), you're ready to go. "Inferno" is the complete package:
you get an instructional DVD starring creator Joshua Jay, specially-printed "scorched" card,
and the matchbox.

You'll be lighting it up with "Inferno" within minutes.